A review by samanthampg
Mr. Anderson by Holly Guy


my review will not be super long, I'm honestly just going to post the notes I took while reading

Check TWs, 18+

- Both main characters who mock therapy and mental health advocacy, constantly calling people "crazy" and "loonie" - literally so disrespectful

- The entire situation is unfathomable to a point a couldn't suspend my disbelief. Not just the big plot but like... a therapist would have nothing to do with contacting a professor about tutoring his student and would not be asked to do a home visit??

- speaking of Dr Jane she was so SUS and she never got busted for it??? Like she had to be in cahoots with emily there ain't no way

- The plot was surface level and made no sense! What was emily constantly drugging people with? How did the drugs make Liam love her but Willow have hallucinations and get violent ?

- We didn't get explanations for some things in the end and huge plot holes were just left

- There clearly was no editor and if there was they did a poor job

- Reads like a first draft

- She's a little timid girl who has no personality outside of being sad and timid, they have almost no pleasant interaction before suddenly they're hot and heavy for each other and saying I love you

- The spice was not worth the train wreck of a plot

- also her essay was absolute ASS there is no way she would've gotten an A. She was writing informally, no structure, no word cited!!! My professors would've failed me if I handed that in. But it was hilarious to watch him be like "what beautiful writing" like there's got to be a meme to go along with that somewhere

- Also the main character saying her favourite book was Brave New World ??? Red flag