A review by shelvesofstarlight
Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire


The characters of this book were well written and developed and I loved reading about them so much. Nik as the protagonist was dynamic and all of his connections to the plot twists and political workings of the world, especially becasue it made the stakes even higher for the conflict that arises. Plus, his voice was funny and just made it all the more enjoyable to read. The other characters were also fun and I especially liked Ash Gaurd and the captain especially becasue I liked how they weren't black and white enforcers of the law and how she helped Nik along when he needed it. I hope that they all continue to develop in the next book of the series.

The plot was well written and I really liked how it all unfolded as it kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the book. The fact there were so many subplots throughout the book that all managed to tie together nicely at the end while leaving enough to form conflict in the subsequent books. The magic system was very impressive and I could actually picture how it was working based on the descriptions in the book, in addition, I really liked the political landscape of Agastos and how it all fed into the plot too.

The writing was engaging and funny and I really enjoyed reading it! AS I have already said the book is well crafted and the magic was super cool. The magical beasts and the gods and how that all fed in was so much fun and I hope that we get to understand it all a bit more in the next book!