A review by dreamingdust
Dangerous Dimensions: Mind-Bending Tales of the Mathematical Weird by


A very enjoyable collection of wierd fiction and sci-fi centered around concepts of mathematical oddness. Arranged chronologically from H.G. Wells' The Plattner Story (1896) to Miriam Allen deFord's Slips Take Over (1964), the collection shows the development of scientifically-inspired fiction over the first half of the 20th century as writers found new and fertile soil in the concepts of dimensions beyond the base 3.

Choice Morsels: Jorge Luis Borges' The Library of Babel for its fascinating concept and examination of belief, Frank Bellnap Long's The Hounds of Tindalos for its vivid descriptions and unsettling alien entities, and Nat Schacher's The Living Equation for being a charming piece of dark comedy in a book full of chills.