A review by chloehamburn
Cow Boy: A Boy and His Horse by Nate Cosby


3.5 stars.

Read April 11, 2017.

It bothers me that graphic novels come up in my Goodreads challenge count, so I'm removing the dates to keep my numbers less bloated.

There was sweetness in this otherwise rough-and-tumble story of a boy, a horse, and his quest for justice in the Wil' Wil' West. Written with linguistic creativity and packing a whole lot of personal nostalgia since Boyd reminded me so much of my brother when we were kids. He used to carry around a stuffed horse, ride a hobbyhorse, and was always happy to dress like a cowboy. I'm sure my brother imagined himself exactly as Boyd comes across on the page: sharp-shootin' with even sharper comebacks. And that pea shooter shaped like a horse! He would have loved that. An unexpectedly sweet reminder of childhood memories.