A review by alexisliner
The Last Hero, by Linden A. Lewis


God this book was so long. I think the last 200 pages or so delivered the payoff that was needed to bring the series to a satisfying close but the first third was rough pacing-wise. I understand that wars are long and detailed in nature and when you're reading about a world that has such involved politics built-in, it follows that you'd need a lot of page time to flesh it out properly. But sometimes it's a chore to slog through as a reader. Especially when
Spoiler someone (ASTRID) keeps getting kidnapped or snatched or just generally running headlong into danger for no good reason. GIRL. SIT DOWN. I BEG YOU. She chilled out in the end though so she's still a fave. I'm a sucker for a badass social justice girlie every time.
Ultimately I was rooting for closure for Astrid and Hiro since they're the two who really kicked off the series, and I feel like we got it. Can't ask for more than that. Well you can, but meh.

I'd recommend this series to anyone looking for a shorter (by number of entries, not page length) sci-fi series that has great queer rep. The first one is definitely the easiest to swallow if you aren't super into the genre as a whole (and my personal favorite of the series), and if you made it through the second one you will enjoy the third. That sounds kind of dull as reviews go but I swear I mean that with enthusiasm. There's only so much you can do to hype up AI and space battles and ethical dilemmas and politics. They only build in intensity and in sheer size after the first one so if it's not for you, save yourself. Either it's your jam or it isn't. It happens to be mine and so I will give it a solid "woohoo!"