A review by betwixt_the_pages
A Moonrise in the Fire by Tessia Ives


Rating: 4.5/5 Penguins (rounded down)
Quick Reasons: the love triangle in this had me CONCERNED; so many emotional hurricane moments; delicious purple prose; steamy steamy steamy; unique, enthralling, un-put-downable read

HUGE thanks to Tessia Ives, Silver Raven Press, and R&R Book Tours for the title! My review is voluntarily written and in no way altered or impacted by this gesture.

To him, I’m sweet, girly Talvi who loves to prance around in dresses when the weather permits—and that’s who he loves.

Lately, I’ve been fighting hard for the prancing, sweet version to win.

First and foremost-- the prose in this read is deliciously purple, lyrical, and enthralling. From page 1, I was sucked into the story, transported to another world entirely. And what a world this is! I was blown away by the amount of world building that happened in this read. As a reader, I felt as if Tessia Ives was handing me the keys to the universe.... and then setting me loose to wreak whatever havoc I felt like.

The characters and their motivations were believable, though in some instances concerning and downright infuriating. Multiple times, I felt like this book was taunting me, just begging to be thrown in frustration as the characters did CHARACTER things like make bad decisions and choose the absolute wrong love interest. Because yes, warning.... there is a love triangle, and there is only ONE correct answer. I will fling tuna at you if you fight me on this.

I tilt to him, instinctively searching his eyes for lies in case his pretty words are only a line he uses in the bedroom.

Instead, in those irises I see the moonrise in the fire, the night in the sun. All the while disastrously aware his hand still burns on top of mine.

I had a ton of fun discovering this world, these characters, and the deepest secrets of their hearts. I definitely recommend this to lovers of alternate universe doorway lanterns, infuriating love triangles, and worlds you will long to dive into. Third Moon is rising, Penguins.... will YOU catch aflame?