A review by philippakmoore
Closed For Winter by Georgia Blain


Georgia Blain is a beautiful writer. Closed for Winter is an evocative and haunting story about a woman whose older sister went missing when she was a child. Now in her late twenties, Elise finds relationships, be it with her mother Dorothy, her boyfriend Martin, or her workmates and neighbours, difficult. The disappearance of her sister is still a mystery. Both her mother's health and her relationship with Martin are deteriorating.

It's a bleak story, with little redemption, and Elise is a tough character to like, despite the reader empathising with her difficult childhood, because she is so meek and passive. But it's a testament to Georgia Blain's writing that you keep turning the pages and find even the weirdest and most frustrating moments make your heart wince rather than put the book aside in irritation.

An interesting story about siblings, love, family and why we keep going home, even if we spent years trying to escape.