A review by werthers
The Hot Guy by Mel Campbell, Anthony Morris


I received a free copy of 'The Hot Guy' in exchange for an honest review.

I'll have to be completely honest, I found this book a struggle to get through. I seem to have this infuriating trait, where even if I'm really not enjoying a book, I still have to finish it. This one came very close to not making it.

The story is basically that a (really unfunny) woman, Cate, gets dumped by her boyfriend for making terrible jokes and her boss sets her up with this dazzlingly hot guy for a one night stand to get over her ex. She ends up staying with this hot guy though, which brings on worlds of drama after a whole a league of women who are 'in line' to sleep with this guy end up kidnapping Cate and causing riots at sport stadiums, amongst other drama, simply because 'the hot guy' is so hot. (It's as bad as it sounds.)

The characters were unlikeable from the word go. I'm usually a bit of a sucker for a cheesy chick lit book with bad jokes, but the 'jokes' in this book were absolutely beyond me. They started off so badly, they actually made me cringe, (something about not going to the polo game because of yolo...) and then moved on to include racism and homophobia.

"You know what I think?" said the old lady taxi driver.

They all nodded.

I think we're letting too many Muslims into the country."

The racist jokes were infuriating, the film puns were annoying, the characters were horrible. I got sick of their shallowness and incessant need to keep mentioning that they hated sport (without actually ever naming a type of sport....)

The more I think about it, the more I really, really disliked this book...