A review by exorcismofemilyreed
Black Magic Women: Terrifying Tales by Scary Sisters by Nicole Givens Kurtz, Crystal Connor


"I believe it is important for the self-esteem of a people to be able to envision ourselves as heroes." -Sumiko Saulson

Black Magic Women is an awesome and important anthology edited by Sumiko Saulson - these are all horror stories by black women. I enjoyed this book, and I was introduced to many new authors whose work I had not read before. If you are looking for more diverse horror, I think Black Magic Women is an excellent place to start.

I rated all of the stories in this book between 3-5⭐, so I liked everything that I read. The stories in Black Magic Women were unique and there was a lot of variety across the anthology. As I usually do for anthologies and collections, I will list my top 5 favorites - Top 5 - Here Kitty! - LH Moore, The Killer Queen - Cinsearae S., The Prizewinner - Alledria Hurt, Labor Pains - Kenya Moss-Dyme, and Alternative (TM) - Tabitha Thompson. I found this to be a very entertaining collection as a whole, and some of these stories will definitely stick with me.

I appreciated that women had all sorts of different roles in this anthology - they were heroes, villains, monsters, witches, helpers, sisters, fighters, and so much more. People are layered, and there's more to anyone that what's on the surface. In the intro to Black Magic Women, there is a quote from Kenesha Williams that sums this up much better than I can - "Embracing both sides of someone's humanity, the good and the bad, is to allow them to be fully human." Black Magic Women allows you to see different sides of different women, all with fun spooky background, and I really enjoyed this read. I hope to read more from these women in the future!