A review by freemajo
Book Lovers, by Emily Henry


Romance tropes: enemies to lovers, orphan, return to hometown

Content warning: death of parent

Dear lord these people are neurotic as hell! I’ve never read Emily Henry before, and I found the writing to be eager, witty, and intentional. The interpersonal relationships really shine, and Nora’s banter with Charlie was laugh out loud funny.

That said, there’s barely a plot here; the novel is really about people contemplating their traumas and trying to heal from their scars. It’s well-written, but I got impatient with yet another passage about Nora’s dead mom.

We spend so much time unpacking the past that I hesitate to call this a romance novel. The sex scene was nothing to write home about.

If you want to read a book that desperately wants you to feel something and is inner monologue intensive, this is the book for you.