A review by thebooktrollop
The Best Medicine by Elizabeth Hayley


This book was expected from this dynamic writing duo. It had strong characters, amazing wit, banter, and humor.
Oh, and of course, the sex and almost sex scenes made me want to take my kindle into the bathroom for some bath tub reading.

Dr. Scott was very alpha, with a twist of anxiousness. He had a vulnerability that made him more real to me. He wasn't Mr. Perfect in control and I expected him to whip out his red room of pain but was pleasantly surprised to see the authors take him in another direction.

Lauren was what I love in a heroine of a story. She doesn't take shit from anyone and can banter with the best of them. She's strong, even with all the shit that happened in her life, she rose above it and became the person she is today.

I lourved the secondary characters almost as much as the main ones. They brought more to the table than just being there. They gave the book more substance than it just being about Scott and Lauren. But they also didn't deter from the main characters where they shined more than the main ones.

I laughed at a lot and the anticipation leading up to the first fuck scene had my poor little waffle turning blue. I was screaming at the characters to just fuck already but of course they didn't listen to me. But the anticipation was fun because the real thing was worth the wait...

The book was a little predictable but the ending was different in how it unfolded and the very end was hilarious and came full circle, which made it epically cheesey, in a good way. My black heart smiled a little...

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was pretty fast paced and even when it lagged a little I was still invested and wanting to read more.

I give this a 4 "My poor Blue waffle" Stars...