A review by strikingthirteen
Crossover by Michael Jan Friedman


Recent events have turned me to some good old fashioned Star Trek literature. Comfort food along with a good, pulpy horror story but this is one I've never come across and I was sold right away when I cam across it in the library's catalogue. Spock is doing work for Unification on Romulus and is arrested with a bunch of other followers - somehow no one knows that Spock is actually among them. The Federation is, of course, concerned but not for probably the obvious reason. Top brass orders Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to deal with things - and they're sending Admiral Leonard McCoy along as well as an advisor.

Meanwhile out in space on the shuttle Picard loaned to him, Montgomery Scott intercepts a message about Spock's capture and decides it's up to him to rescue his friend. The man has stolen starships before so I think he has developed a taste for it - and I actually really enjoyed watching him do it. While Scott is being a pirate, Picard has to deal with an impatient and holier than thou McCoy who ends up becoming something he always hated. Really though, Picard's crew is superficial and this is a story about our living three original Enterprise crew members and it is so much fun to read.

I have my problems with it (Spock's chosen course of action, the fact that the Romulans don't know Spock is there in their damn jail, some other stuff) but over all it's a fun adventure and a logical progression since we've had Spock, Scott, and McCoy on The Next Generation but not at the same time. Much enjoyment to be had here for original series fans.