A review by fictionallysam
Hard Fall by Sara Ney


Rating: 3.5 Stars

Sara Ney is back! I had so much fun reading Hard Fall and getting invested into the lives of these characters. Telling the love story of Trace “Buzz” Wallace, a completely misunderstood professional baseball player, and Hollis Westbrooke an editor who has sworn off athletes after her last relationship went south.

Guys, I’m gonna be real blunt with you—this took me forever to get into. Moreover, I really was considering DNFing the story at around the 18% mark because I just wasn’t connecting with any of the characters or the plot line; however, I decided to trek on and I am so happy I did, because once I hit that 30% mark it was like a completely different story. I fell hard for these characters, their chemistry and back and forth banter captivated me. So many times I found myself having to drop my kindle because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.

Sara Ney delivered with her signature humor and snark that we all know and adore from her novels. The amount of sass our hero Buzz oozes throughout the story is one that deserves the slowest of claps. Funny, sweet, and the most genuine baseball player I think Ney has written—Buzz had me whispering to myself that if Hollis didn’t snag him, I would! My favorite moments of the story were the ones where he was in his true element and comfortable showing a side of him that no one ever sees apart from his family and closest friend. After reading the first novel in the series, Hard Rule, I never thought I would say these words but…I am Team Buzz.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of Hollis and took up some issues on her personality as I felt that certain scenes contradicted the personality we were painted of her in during the entire story. But I loved how she elevated Trace in a way that made him more likable, and how they both brought out the best of each other a little bit more with each passing chapter.

All in all, this book—though it took a while to get into—had me in stitches and grinning like a baboon. Hard Fall was such a blast and just the book to make me fall in love with Sara Ney and her work all over again.