A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
The Echo Chamber, by John Boyne


Prior to reading this book I had shelved it as satire because that's what it claims to be. It is not. It is the most farcical farce I have ever been exposed to outside of a 1980s sitcom.

Instead of a plot we have one scene following another in which the characters, both main and secondary, become more and more ridiculous. I only kept reading because once I got so far, I had to stay to see how it would all fall apart. I mean, I had to believe it was all going to fall apart in the end. And in the meantime Boyne made abundantly clear his dislike for cancel culture, performative wokeism (wokeness? I don't know), internet trolls, and so on and so on and so on.

And then in the end I think we are all meant to believe that the phones are responsible for all of it.

Bottom line is if you've never read John Boyne before DO NOT START HERE.