A review by shadowcas
Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes


☆☆☆ out of 5 stars

I originally read Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes when I was in middle school. It instantly became one of my favorites and was a book that I frequently checked out from the library. Upon rereading it as an adult, I know why I loved it so much but it failed to live up to the memory I had of it. Atwater-Rhodes is obviously a talented writer but it was apparent that this was a story written by a 15-year-old (of which the author was at this time.)

The novella was stuffed full of purple prose and needless symbolism for each small thing mentioned. The main character, Jessica, was so horrifically obnoxious that I could only feel sorry for my own mom because I’m sure I was just as miserable as Jessica at that age.

Overall, the story had a lot of promise and the premise itself was interesting and great to read. I just failed to enjoy it as much as an adult - with a bit more book experience under my belt - as I did as a younger reader.