A review by chaptersbyindia
F*ck Marriage by Tarryn Fisher


You shouldn’t have to convince anyone to choose you. There is no real choice in love.
- Tarryn Fisher, F*ck Love

Ok....... so..... where in the world do I even begin with this book! I rated it a 3 stars merely because

1. I honestly couldn’t put the book down. I mean I finished the dang thing in two days, that is so unlike me. Especially as a Mother of two toddlers and a business. It normally takes me much longer to read a book but thanks to Quarantine and this crazy drama filled book I just couldn’t stop!

2. I kept hoping that what I wanted to happen would freaking happen! I don’t want to share spoilers so I’ll try my very best to explain my review without spoiling this freaking roller coaster of a book.

The first half of the book was really good. Billie annoyed me with her bitchy attitude, her obsession with getting back at her cheating Ex- Husband, and she was so immature that I just wanted to smack her! But I also couldn’t help but love her and continued to root her on in her quest. Her super messed up drama filled quest.

Then there is Satcher and I instantly swoon for this guy! The moment things start getting heated with Him and Billie, it gets snatched away! I have never been more frustrated with the relationship between two characters as I am with the two of them.

The book is worth Reading. I adore Tarryn and loved her writing style which is much different than the past books I have read. But I was so irritated with this book! It’s a good read but you have been warned!


“Don’t be upset that you can’t attain constant happiness. It’s the quickest way to feel like a failure in life. If each of our lives represented a page in a book, happiness would be the punctuation. It breaks up the parts that are too long. It closes off some things, divides others. But it’s brief—showing up when it’s needed and filling tired paragraphs with breaks.”