A review by misssusan
A Flight of Angels by Rebecca Guay, Holly Black, Alisa Kwitney, Bill Willingham, Louise Hawes, Todd Mitchell


i liked this! except the ending; didn't think much of it. idk, the whole ~dark~ twist ending has gotten so popular it's just boring and predictable now, like
Spoilerof course he kills the angel; what else was he going to do? don't know how to finish a story? death always works! foolish people will think this makes the story edgy and deep and mature!

hahaha man it's not like i'm even mad about it happening, it's more i'm offended that they went for something so boring


i was fond of the adam and eve story. ngl gave the book a look for how many of the daughters of eve on the page spread were white. i mean really? after the angel wanted to tell me elizabeth the first was the greatest of all eve's daughters? like dang, SOMEONE'S drunk the anglocentric koolaid. but y'know, other than that it was a good time

looked up the authors after i finished and man, i'm not surprised willingham wrote 'the story within the story'. the bar setup was totally him, he's got this massive thing for writing asshole dudes who are proud of their assholedom. someone could prob write a pretty good essay on willngham's masculinity stuff but it's going to have to be someone with enough love in their hearts left to reread his work

i liked chaya surah and the guardian. angels in love! awwww

also rebecca guay is super impressive, like i assumed a different person illustrated each chapter? turns out no! apparently she's the kind of talent that can turn out five distinct art styles in one book. 3.5 stars