A review by books_and_chocolat3
Captured by Linsey Hall


Well ..
This last volume continues the lineage of the 2nd volume.
I'm disapointed ..
The 1st volume really pleased me, the 2nd less and this 3rd disappointed me once again.

It is much too short, less than 200 pages to complete a series where a romance had not been installed, it is not enough.
Their first time was balanced in 10 lines, there is no time to be afraid for the characters, everything is settled quickly.

Persephone had no character development until the last lines.
She does not understand anything, does not see anything, does not try to understand Hades and his past ... she frustrated me .. I did not like this character.
Hades is a character who has evolved a lot, who has been very well written and that we love. Well done to the author for this evolution (except the end .. suddenly we have the right to a I love you while 2 pages before he did not know what it was ..)
Too short therefore too fast.

This series would have deserved to be longer to be able to surprise us. It remains a good read that I can recommend to have a good time but it is not striking.

Pretty very fluid writing, however.