A review by novelheartbeat
Enchanter by Sara Douglass


Oh my gosh, I love this series so much!! Going through this story the second time was just as enjoyable as the first, except this time around I knew all of the secrets.

It was hard, though, to watch the downward spiral of some of the characters. I know the outcome, and even though I dreaded what would inevitably happen, I still wished it could be different. I was surprised by how much my stomach was in knots as the book pushed to the climax of the story.
SpoilerI think the moment Faraday realizes the depth of Axis's betrayal is one of the most monumental scenes in this whole series, and one of the ones that had the biggest impact on me. I hated reading it again for the second time, waiting for the moment Faraday realized what was going on. I actually dreaded it!

loved watching Azhure's story unfold again. I love the secrecy that envelops her, and the history behind it. I think her character arc is probably my favorite, even though she's not my favorite character. I do believe that honor falls to Faraday. I don't know why, but I always leaned toward her side, always liked her better than Azhure. Perhaps because she was introduced first, and I became attached to her long before Azhure came into the story? Or maybe because I felt for her, for her suffering. Whatever it is, my heart bleeds for everything she goes through. Everything she was forced to endure for the Prophecy.
SpoilerI always shipped Axis and Faraday :(

Sara Douglass never ceases to amaze me with her intricate world building! There are so many layers to it! I love the races of Tencedor and their back stories. The dimension she adds to her world is impressive! Even now, in the second book of the first story arc, I can see where she's setting up for the second story arc. There are little snippets of vital information that I had no idea were vital the first time through! Also, I was surprised by the amount of foreshadowing that Sara gives us. That's another thing I never noticed the first time through. They were small, seemingly insignificant - characters' thoughts in passing. There were a couple times it actually gave me chills!
SpoilerEspecially when EvenSong says, "We are an archer force. What can attack us in the air?" CHILLS. Then there were Azhure's concerns that Faraday and Axis were meant for each other because they are in the Prophecy, and they will both live to be legends. That Azhure would fade into nothing, and was insignificant in Axis' life. LITTLE DO YOU KNOW, AZHURE. But holy wow, how did I not notice these things the first time through?!

I kind of love that Faraday and Azhure are basically friends despite everything. Faraday is a much stronger person that I, to accept and forgive Azhure...

Also, I freaking LOVE this cover! I love all the covers in this series, but this one is my favorite because of the Icarii flying in the background. Loooove!!!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.