A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
The Backstagers 2018 Halloween Intermission #1 by Sam Johns, Walter Baiamonte, Savanna Ganucheau, Abby Howard, James Tynion IV, Shan Murphy, Rian Sygh


I really love the Backstagers. While I desperately wish for more issues in the main series, I’ll take the seasonal issues that they’ve been giving us. It’s better than nothing! Plus maybe if the sales are good enough we’ll get more? A girl can hope.
My favorite part about this issue had to be the questions raised about Tim and Jamie, the Stage Managers. It’s one of those things where if you don’t pay attention to the details (like the writing in the corners that help establish the setting – say a certain time period) then you’d totally miss it. As it was I had to double back and confirm that I had things right. Not that confirming that fact really cleared things up. Actually, it made things quite a bit more confusing. That’s the magic of the backstage though, I suppose.
Everything revolves around the lore specific to this theater. Frankly, I’m surprised that they only have one ‘big bad’ that they’re concerned about on Halloween. Granted there are 364 other days for the rest of the beasties to choose from, and not all of them seem concerned with getting out of the back rooms…but I digress.
This was a fun and relatively light read, even when considering the major revelation/confusion about the Stage Managers. The conclusion may have been a bit sillier than normal, but in an endearing sort of way. That will probably make more sense when you read it. Thankfully everyone was as cute as I remembered, and while it was nice to read about them again, it did make me miss the series that much more.