A review by scsreads
Know My Name by Chanel Miller


This is a huge understatement, but Chanel Miller is an absolutely remarkable woman. Know My Name is an extremely powerful and well-written memoir, and it is hands down one of the best books I've read this year.

It was very, very tough to read. But, I thought, if she could survive her assault and have the guts to write about it, then I could set aside my discomfort and read her story written in her own words.

In her memoir, you see how one night had a ripple effect on so many lives. You see how she had to live two lives, one as Emily Doe, the victim, and the other as herself, Chanel. You learn about her family and her childhood and her life before that night. You learn about her hope and dreams and fears and desires.

This book will make your blood boil as you witness the injustice that she experienced. As you see how our justice system is not designed to help victims. As you see how wealth and privilege can absolve someone of grave crimes. Honestly, as Mona Eltahawy says, f**k the patriarchy. 

In the book she talks about how she admires Margaret Cho and like Margaret, she is honest and unapologetic about her story. She wants to show that being a victim is a forever thing. Not to say that it is the only thing that defines her, but that it is a pain that she will carry forever. You do not wake up one day magically healed.

At the end of this book, I wanted to give Chanel a hug and thank her for sharing her story with us. I cannot do this book justice in a review, but I can say that this is a book you must read.