A review by condls27
The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic by Breanne Randall

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
Spoilers ahead! I never DNF books this far into it, usually I tough it out but good god. This is pitched as a Practical Magic meets Gilmore Girls but really it’s annoying Christian witches who bake a lot. 

Everything about this book annoyed me- Sadie was one of the worst FMCs I’ve read in a long time. She’s childish, a doormat with no backbone and manages to be clingy while keeping everyone at arms length. The shit with her brother was so stupid (he was only gone for a year! They way the author described how betrayed Sadie felt you’d think he stole all her money, kicked her cat and slashed her tires before he left town but the poor guy just wanted to explore the world a little bit) Not to mention, their family motto is was “Revelares leave but they always come back” so if you know he’s going to come back why are you acting so betrayed? 

Speaking of Seth, if he called her “sister” one more time I was going to launch the book into the sun. We get it, they’re siblings you do not need to constantly remind us. I have 3 sisters and never once in our lives have we ever called each other “sis, sister, little sis, big sister”Why do authors insist on doing this? He’s her fucking twin for god’s sake we’re not going to forget they’re siblings. 

Speaking of god, how in the hell are a bunch of witches Methodists?! That whole scene at church was so dumb, I almost DNF-ed right there but what did it was Jake talking about taking gang members to church. Shut all the way up this book has enough going on it doesn’t need white savior evangelizing bullshit on top of it. 

I’m so mad I wasted 14 bucks on this conservative coded bullshit.  

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