A review by ctorretta
Blue Midnight by Tess Thompson


Ahhh! Tess Thompson! Always a delight!

This romance is no different. Although, Tess is really great about putting stuff in a book that makes me feel like I'm reading a self help! I had to highlight a few things so I can go back to them later. A lot of this book was about trust and how deep it really is to trust someone after you have been hurt. With this really strong storyline the characters had to keep up, and I feel that they did a pretty good job.

I love Blythe. I also love Bliss but sadly Bliss is only in this just a little bit. I'm hoping another book will be on her! But back to Blue Midnight and Blythe. She's been through the wringer and yet somehow she manages to pick herself up and go on a road trip. I love it. That somehow was pretty much her sister pushing her to do it. (Yet one of the many reasons I loved Bliss).

The plot line is actually very interesting but there is much more here than just Blythe getting over her ex-husband. And really it isn't HIM she needs to get over, it's her feeling of inadequacy. If I'm being completely honest here I was hoping for something really bad to happen to her ex. Maybe I'm just being a jerk but I just didn't like what or how he did things to Blythe. I was hoping Moonstone (that's the actual name of another cute character) would do something mean to him but alas Blythe is a really good person.

SO! In comes the really interesting part. The love! I cannot go into too much detail sadly because this would be a massive spoiler, but what I can tell you is that I liked the relationship. They did fall into love instantly which got to me a bit. Sometimes I can almost feel the sparks jumping out of the book but in this case, as much as I want them to be together, I also wanted them to freaking take a step back and breathe for a minute!!

But they don't because this is a romance.

Okay, fine. But they do make a cute couple and by the end I had tears freaking strolling down my face AGAIN! Tess does this to me every single time. She is just THAT good at romance.

In short: Once again I loved Tess Thompson's beautiful writing. The wit and strength of her characters is amazing. I always end her books wanting to read more. It's like magic!


Received the book for an honest review.