A review by nssutton
How to Be a Person in the World: Ask Polly's Guide Through the Paradoxes of Modern Life by Heather Havrilesky


I liked this as I liked the collection of Cheryl Strayed's Dear Sugar columns, because I appreciate those who translate their past into someone else's present, because all I ever want to do is advise and correct. I wish I had read this in my 20s, when I was so hard on myself, so insistent on seeing patterns that blinded me from the things really happening, so rigid in my thinking. But I wouldn't have appreciated it as I do in my early 30s, with disappointments and joys I couldn't have imagined then. Sometimes I think of starting a list of books I want the girls to read, in case anything happens to me, or in case they won't turn to me in a time of need, but both thoughts are so morbid I can't stand it. This would be on that list for sure.