A review by youngthespian42
T: The Story of Testosterone, the Hormone That Dominates and Divides Us by Carole Hooven


This book is well researched written for a layman audience but packs a punch on the topic its focused on. Hooven is so delicate and polite with the scholars ("T- Sceptics") whose preposterous argument she calming and methodically unwinds with the data.

This book goes far beyond transgender and debate around gender our society is having in general but it bring some much need data and understanding of endocrinology into the discussion. She leaves the discussion at informative and makes a strong case for having the correct facts before we debate truths about human biology.

Hooven refusess the false dichotomy of nature vs. nurture making the scientific case it's both. She does not excuse bad male behavior but she does contextualize the male perspective hormonally, and strongly refutes the inherent evil of "masculinity."

If you are feeling lost in the new paradigm around gender but are confident with the facts to defend your instincts this is the book to elevate the discussion instead of making everything a defacto discussion of bigotry or transphobia.