A review by amyiw
Love Slave for Two by Tymber Dalton


2.75 stars erotic stars

This is such a deja vu moment. I had to go through my menage folder to figure it out. Well this actually came out maybe 6 months before Barbara Elsborg's [b:Susie's Choice|7144519|Susie's Choice|Barbara Elsborg|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1258230210s/7144519.jpg|7408991]. Meek timid women who are battered and bruised emotionally and physically. Gay couple, one a writer, fall for her as their house worker, maid. They move her in and create a triad and weak timid women flourishes while they protect her. Gay couple, one a writer, move maid into home after falling for her. Hmm... were they talking to one another to see who could write it better?

Reason for stars. Well the main couple had pretty much no chemistry without Nevaeh. I liked them at first. After nevvie, they did not have play time on screen except one scene where Nevvie tells them what to do. I felt their "love slave" play was a bit tired at the end. So as an erotica, this was good/OK but not great. The best part was where they do come together and that was at the 1/2 way point though the push to the 1/2 way point was dragged out. Still, I might have said 3 1/2 at that point in the story but it just went downhill on drag. The set up of her mad and rushing away... after months (6?) really? You do not confront them and this was over the stupidest of things. Wow, she promotes it and she is going to run. That just did it for me. I did like the ending and the court, but thought Alex's attack was over the top. Oh and the guys fighting takes away any chemistry they had until Nevvie brings them back. This is again with Nevvie and not on their own. So ended up just liking that part of the story too. So was between meh, and good.

Update at 67%---------
It is OK. I'm a bit bored but I think it might be more that I'm not in the mood and it is a bit of deja vu. We finally get them together after they miss obvious indicators that all parties are interested. So there is a big set up for the Halloween party and that was actually pretty good but not worth the slog to get there. I mean both characters have the ability to move the relationship forward but don't and neither guy tells her anything, except Tyler saying "do you trust me?" argh. So... not my favorite and very little erotic for erotica, siren publishing.