A review by bookish_bunny98
The Organ Scrubber by Jason Werbeloff


Daniel is an organ scrubber, this job literally is just scrubbing organs with some green liquid, I can’t remember the name of it but everyone uses it to clean them. The organs he deals with are ones that are no longer needed or have problems. He works with a girl called Hooplah (strange name in my opinion, never heard anyone called that before) they play games with the organs and do weird stuff with them. They have competitions with each other on how many they can clean a day.

The main story kicks off on Daniels 18th birthday, on his birthday he gets to go to administration to pick up his file to tell him who his parents are. He isn’t sure who his parents are because he is an orphan like Hooplah, hence why they are such good friends and seem to have clicked quite well. The day of his birthday he only cleaned 48 organs when he likes to do things in a multiple of 7, so you can imagine he was thinking things were going to go downhill from there on.

Find more on this review on https://angelicimpressions.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-organ-scrubber-defragmenting-daniel.html