A review by writingwwolves
A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe


I was sent a Kindle copy of A Mortal Song from Megan herself to read and review before it's release. I'd been really excited about this book and I'm definitely not disappointed with what I've read.

It was really refreshing to read a book that wasn't set in England or America, as a lot of the books I read are, so being taken to another part of the world (one I'm curious about) and being immersed in its mythology was really fun.

I really like that the main character in the book wasn't 'the chosen one' as I don't believe I've read a book with this character layout before - it was interesting to see a story like this from the perspective of a character that wasn't expected to save the day (or to do much else to be honest). I enjoyed all of the characters, even the bad ones, and none of them were over- or under-complicated. At times it would have been nice to know how Chiyo felt about what was happening, as she seemed to adapt quite easily to what was happening around her, but Sora's perspective worked well enough (and I'm glad the story wasn't told from Chiyo's perspective).

The story itself was original and the mythology behind it was different from anything I've read before. None of it was over-explained or over-complicated, and there wasn't a single time when I was confused about what something meant or what someone was supposed to be. The pace worked really well for me and there was never a time when I felt bored or tired of the book.

Although I've only given this 4 stars I will place this under my favourites list. That one star has only been lost because part of me feels there could have been a little more to this book - maybe the writing could have been less simplistic OR maybe the same plot could have been made into more than one book; this would have meant more detail and I would LOVE to know that I was going to be reading another book at some point in the same 'world'.... any chance of some novellas Megan? I've definitely been left wanting MORE.

The awarded four stars come from the fact that I loved the original plot, loved that 'the chosen one' wasn't the main focus of the story, loved the setting and connected with Sora. I did shed a tear in the final chapter and so much of me wants to know MORE about what happens next. I might have to read it again immediately.

A massive thank you to Megan for sending me a copy of the book, I am unbelievably grateful and honoured to have had the privilege (and I will definitely be buying a physical copy of the book at some point).