A review by loverofromance
Hunter's Moon by C.T. Adams


This was a story that was quite different than I was expecting to find. Unlike most times when I go to my local library, I only had a couple books on my list, because I wanted to just pick a couple random books to try out, and I grabbed this book up. I was intrigued by the set up, the heroine going to the hero to get him to kill her. I didn’t know why until I started reading, and when you learn I didn’t know why it was so necessary she wanted to kill herself, but her family is pretty crazy (literally), I mean some of the actions her mothers takes is outrageous and she should be put in a mental hospital, just so she can have some attention. The whole suicide over idiotic family members, is why my rating is lower than a 5, because I just couldn’t understand that her reasons were valid enough, but if I had a family like this one, I might think differently. I think what I admired most about this story was seeing how the hero and heroine develop a relationship with each other. This story was different in the way that it was from the hero’s POV. That was quite different, it is quite rare to see that. At times it threw me off, because I am used to reading third person or if its in 1st person its from the heroine’s POV. The paranormal element in this story is there, but it isn’t super strong like I was expecting it to be. In fact, in many ways it seemed to lean more toward a contemporary romance than a paranormal one. Both characters had their own unique set of handling situations, and boy was Tony great in how he handles Sue. He is patient and understanding, but at the same times doesn’t allow her to lean on him to much for help with her family, he tries to make her realize that she has to stand up to them. Toward the later half of the story, the plot accelerates and adds a bit of suspense/mystery aspects to the mix and it really gets intense. The ending was better than I expected, I was hoping it wouldn’t be a huge cliffhanger since the next book involves this pair too. But it was a short and sweet ending, I did feel it was a bit too abrupt for my tastes, but I am thinking it might have been done on purpose. But overall a fantastic story that kept me fascinated from page one, and now I can’t wait to get hold of book 2!!