A review by inthelunaseas
Dark Space by Marianne de Pierres


There's a line when it comes to sci-fi where it becomes too difficult for me to read. This book just tiptoes over that line. I had to really struggle to read it, which is a pity as I really liked [a:Marianne de Pierres|287923|Marianne de Pierres|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1307673289p2/287923.jpg]' [b:Parrish Plessis|644987|Nylon Angel (Parrish Plessis, #1)|Marianne de Pierres|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1309210794s/644987.jpg|631149] series. I could get into it when the sci-fi was light, but then it would cut to Jo-Jo and Tekton and the biozoons and my head would spin and I'd have to put it down and take a breather.

So, good idea, but too hard for me to really follow.