A review by bookkat
The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain


4.5 rounded up. Excellent audio narration.

I was hooked from the beginning. I love time travel books and am willing to overlook the lack of plausibility in method. Firstly, the book opens in Chapel Hill and the protagonist is a physical therapist! I felt like I was home. Raleigh and the outer banks figure frequently into the story, so it was a bit like going home for me.

The story begins in 1970 when Carly learns her unborn child has a fatal heart defect for which there is no treatment. Her brother-in-law offers a unique and unimaginable possible solution.

Carly is faced with numerous heartbreaking and difficult decisions. There are numerous twists and turns in this well-crafter story.

I did find the phrases 'my daughter' and 'my baby' used a little repetitively with frequent reminders of what Carly was thinking or feeling , but still I loved the book and had difficulty putting it down.