A review by violetamethyst
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon



Finally I've picked up Ms Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series again and I've just finished Acheron!

I thought of reading this one as a biography instead of a romance because I was sure I wouldn't like Tory.

I was sort of right about that which is no surprise because I've got a perpetual case of Jealous Bitch Syndrome (You know, its that condition where you fall in love with a character and you really really want him to have his own HEA but there's just no one good enough for him... Except you, of course.)

But I liked Tory more than I thought I would. She was funny, quirky and an unexpected heroine. Even so her character was sketchy and underdeveloped which is fine though because WE CAME FOR ACHERON PARTHENOPAEUS!

Ash, oh my lord!
As tortured heroes go, its doesn't get more tortured than this! Ye gods, how much can one man take!?!! I have never been so heartbroken or wept so much for a single character before.

Part I was absolutely brilliant! The writing, the story telling, the character development, everything! Beware though, its quite graphic.

Part I gets an irrevocable 5/5 from me.

Part II was far less intense. It had a bit of action, a bit of comic relief and the requisite sex scenes. All the emotional juju was either a repeat of Ash's past (Part I) ot Tory's issues which seem so very pathetic and shallow compared to Ash's. (Or maybe that's my JBS, whatever.)

Part II gets a 3/5

Oh but there's still two ladies who stole the spotlight in Acheron: Apollymi and Ryssa

Apollymi (Ash's mother) was breathtaking! God I wish they'd let her out of prison more!

And Ryssa? Her relationship with Acheron truly moved me. Tory's got nothing on Ash's big sis.

5/5 for them both!

Unfortunately, the heifer bitch goddess doesn't die in this book. That's a spoiler right there.

Hence, I'm giving Acheron a final score of 4/5.