A review by tabman678
The New Avengers, Volume 11: Search for the Sorcerer Supreme by Brian Michael Bendis


Though this is one of the weaker volumes in this run I still had lots of fun reading it. Though it’s also not strong in the technical sides, the art is inconsistent and the storyline is dragged out, then it gets interesting in the last issue and it’s time for the next volume.

If you like Bendis it’s an enjoyable read if you don’t it won’t work for you. It’s a Doctor Strange story focus which sounds good on paper but isn’t so here.

I feel like they take out Dorrmamu way too easily, also Clint is still trying to take down Norman Osborn through media. Though this leads to a Spidey stand out moment which I loved with him and his no killing.

Overall it feels more like it’s spinning the wheels and going nowhere. But it’s put together well enough to be enjoyable.

3 stars.