A review by lenoreo
All the Stars Left Behind by Ashley Graham



2.5 stars -- I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

OK, this was a frustrating read for me. And I'm having a hard time judging what all comes into play in my final assessment. There is definitely a component that is a bad match writing style for me I think. But there's also bits that were honest to goodness not written as well too. And this is where it gets complicated: the part that doesn't match with me style-wise is that things aren't spelled out for me in a clear manner, and I really really hate that (I'll explain in a second). But the problem with disliking that, is that I have a hard time judging what was bad writing versus just not a match, you know??

OK, I'll attempt to explain... Well, did anyone else see that movie The Arrival? My husband loved it, whereas that movie made me SOOOOO angry and annoyed and frustrated and mad. And while I could enjoy so many aspects of the movie, if I can't have my theories confirmed on what was happening, then I just don't like it. Like, I need things to be closer to black and white, I don't play well in gray area and subtlety. I'm probably not making any sense. *sigh* Regardless, this book was kind of like that. I'm left at the end of the book thinking I have a pretty good idea of what happened, but I'm not sure. And I want to be sure. I don't understand what the point is if I'm not sure. So was it bad writing, or style?? I DON'T KNOW!!

There were definitely parts of this book where I can categorically say that it needed better editing and needed to be cleaned up. There were quite a few TINY continuity issues (like the showers on the ship were supposed to be ionized air, but then Leda talks about her hair being wet from her shower; or the drug that was supposed to put that guy to sleep for about 40 hours, and less than 24 hours later he's wide awake; or how did the pain meds work on the tethered cord surgery, but not for the bullet wound?). See? Tiny, but I noticed them, and it annoyed me. But it probably only annoyed me because I was having other problems. The book just felt...for lack of a better word, fragmented. From individual sentences that were probably trying to be too pretty, but then I would have to read them over again to understand them; to the overall plot and the way I would feel like I missed something from one section to another. It was just kind of choppy in places, and didn't make for a nice read. And then there was the tiny plot thread that was completely dropped at the end of the book (what Enren said about Toovu and the Woede -- purposely being vague to avoid spoilers), which I suppose could have been ok if there was going to be a sequel or something and they'd tackle it there, but I don't get that impression.

So yeah, frustration. The book needed a bit more clean up and definitely needed to be smoothed over. Things happened so fast, I kind of couldn't follow what people were talking about sometimes, or the conclusions they were coming to.

And then there's the characters and chemistry. *sigh* This review could get so long if I really went into detail on those parts, but I'll try to keep it brief (*snort* yeah right). Quite honestly, I didn't dislike the characters, but I wasn't totally enamoured with them either. Like none of them. And hence I didn't find my emotions engaged at any of the potentially heartbreaking parts. It was a little bit insta-lovey between Leda and Roar, which I don't always mind if I get something else out of it. But there was so much else going on, I never really did understand why they were in love... I got the draw and the connection, but not the emotions I guess.

And there were a ton of potentially intriguing side characters with potential little side plots, but we never got to learn about them or dive into them. They were so many moments where the author could have delved deeper, but chose not to in favour of action I suppose. Which is not horrible, but I hate getting teased with depth and then not getting it. We could have learned so much about Aurelite society, how it was, how it affected people, how it shaped them. From Stein to Petrus to even Roar. And Nils!! What about Nils and his mom?? And why tease us with those things and not go into them? Why say them at all and make them part of the story and not go further? I think the author tried to do too much with the story, and had to cut back, and didn't really get the right focus back. Or not. Honestly, that's conjecture, I shouldn't say I know anything.

*sigh* So yeah. It had a lot of potential. And despite the way this review sounds, there were interesting moments! I even enjoyed the kisses between Roar and Leda. I loved the inclusion of some diverse elements, and how Leda always had Spina Bifida, regardless of whether she was some fabled weapon or not. But she pushed through it. And there were some really quotable pretty lines!! When the author hit her mark on those, they were really beautiful!

And that is that. I'm sad. Reading books that don't match me is really taxing on my reader's brain. Ah well. Onward and upward!