A review by hugbandit7
Survival of the Fritters by Ginger Bolton


Who doesn't love a good donut?!  Well maybe someone with a gluten intolerance, but that aside many of us have a fond memory or two of having a warm donut with friends or family.  Well, that is what Emily has created with her Father-in-Law - a donut shop that everyone loves to frequent.  And yes it is true, the police in this town do love their donuts.

The mystery of who killed Georgia is quite involved and goes back many years. The clues that eventually lead us to the killer are not easy to decipher and lead the reader down various paths until the truth is revealed.  I do think that Emily was too focused on a few potential suspects and may have put herself in harm's way unnecessarily.  But then this would not be a cozy mystery if the protagonist did not pull crazy stunts.

To round out the story there is a potential budding romance between Emily and Brent.  Brent was her deceased husband's partner on the police force and I think it took a lot for Brent to seem Emily in a potential romantic light.  They definitely have some chemistry, so it will be interesting to see how that progresses.

We give this 3 paws.  It is a great start to a new series, characters need a little more development but that will come with more books.  I read the sneak peek for book two and it intrigues me already!