A review by irenevh
Kobayashi Maru by Michael A. Martin, Andy Mangels


3 stars

Finally continuing on in the star trek story that re-wrote the death of Trip Tucker, I must admit I am more disappointed by this book than the last one.

Where the first book in this particular story was a victim of wrong expectations, this book just fell short to me in other ways.
Although I like the characters and the world this story takes place in, this book felt padded with unnecessary stuff. Starting with a rather annoying habit of the writers to add about as many unnecessary descriptive words to most sentences and repeating some stuff three times within the span of this same book I was already feeling that 475 page count was way higher than it needed to be.
To then add scenes for characters I couldn't care less about made me want to put the book aside and not pick it up again.

Which is a shame, because the story premise is interesting and the characters are good and likable. And the world of Star Trek has so much to tell.
But overall, this story was once again a let down and it isn't even finished. Yet, I can't bring myself to keep reading these books seeing as a they just don't make me excited to read them.

If you are reading this as a die-hard star trek fan, you'll probably get more out of this than I did. But as a casual star trek fan, this just didn't do it for me.