A review by cmbohn
Because He First Loved Us by Henry B. Eyring


This was a 'collection of discourses by Henry B. Eyring' of the First Presidency of the LDS church. I always enjoy hearing his talks, because he speaks so clearly and with such feeling. I actually remember him giving some of these talks, but it was great to read them all collected like this. I have two favorites in here, one called "Do Not Delay." This was a reminder that life is swift and uncertain, and if we want to make changes in our lives, the time to do it is now. I also really enjoyed the talk, "Always," where he talks about a young man he knew as a bishop who was killed in a climbing accident a few years later. It was a great story and I found myself tearing up.

The other talk in here that stuck with me was one called, "Because of Your Steadiness." It was about persistence, in everything worthwhile generally, but specifically as it applies to home teaching. I have a son who is 12, and I told my husband that I think it would be great to read and discuss this talk with him when he gets his first home teaching assignment. It would also apply for visiting teachers too.

Very inspirational and such great writing.