A review by sheldonsshelves
The Strange Power, by L.J. Smith


Really enjoyed the book, it was a quick and quite easy going read and I found the plot the be original and interesting . However, as always there are some flaws- firstly I found that from the beginning the romance between kait and rob to be too quick and a little too predictable. For instance, from quite early on kait expresses a dislike and disinterest in the male sex but then within a few hours she has fallen head over heels for the sexy rob. I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw that by stating this disinterest L J was clearly leading us to a romance and there really is nothing wrong with that except that it seemed that kait almost instantly disposed of her opinion of boys for her new found love with hardly any decision time. Secondly, as soon as I read the name Gabriel Wolfe I wanted to kick L J for using it. I mean using Gabriel is bad enough but using Wolfe as well was almost like she picked the names directly out of the YA fiction cliche pot and she didn't even let you forget about the connotations of name as throughout the novel Gabriel was like some kind of dark angel or a lone wolf and moved like a wolf and acted like a wolf and I have to say that we get it, he is like a wolf.
These problems aside I did rather enjoy the book. It was a pleasant and slightly fluffy book that was an excellent release after my last read which was rather heavy going, dark and morbid. I have read some of L J s other books such as night world and the forbidden game and i have also enjoyed the tv series based on her works ( not tvd, the secret circle) and like some others I did notice that this didn't seem to be as dark, however I wasn't too unhappy about it as I found her writing still had the original take on the paranormal that I have come to know from her other works.