A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Wonder Woman: Heartless by Natalie C. Parker, Heidi Heilig, Tessa Gratton, Alaya Dawn Johnson


Wonder Woman: Heartless has arrived just in time to celebrate Wonder Woman's 80th anniversary, and I'm sure that is no coincidence. This Serial Box special was written by Natalie C. Parker, Tessa Gratton, Alaya Dawn Johnson, and Heidi Heilig and narrated by Tiana Camacho.

There is something very wrong. Something that makes Diana Prince's heart race. It feels familiar, and it is killing. Now, Wonder Woman must team up with an old friend, as well as the Crimson Avenger, to stop and further deaths from occurring.

“It was the same for everyone they passed. A moment of surprise replaced by an almost sinister calm.”

Wonder Woman: Heartless is exactly the sort of story I was expecting. No, more than that: it was the story I was hoping for. This is quintessential Wonder Woman here, and it's brought to us by some of my favorite authors. Naturally, I am ecstatic.

This is a fast-paced read, one that brings three women together as they try and track the source of a supernatural killer. Fans will certainly recognize Barbara Minerva, but the Crimson Avenger might be more of a surprise to some. However, her inclusion truly makes the story, as readers will soon find out.

One of the best parts about Wonder Woman: Heartless is that it is a feminist piece that tackles the conversation of social, racial, and economic justice. It's one of the many wonderful things we can always expect from Wonder Woman, and the creators did not let us down here. I promise.

The interactions, conversations, and points made within this story really felt like coming home, in a way. It's a bit ironic, given how the magic within these pages felt like home to her. Intentionally or not, I enjoyed that parallel.

“She paused, but her heart did not. It beat quickly, and Diana had the feeling that she should turn and walk in the direction she'd come, but then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped.”

I only received the text version of Wonder Woman: Heartless, so I can't speak to how the audio portions will be. However, based on my past experiences with Serial Box, I do not doubt that it will be quite the experience. I'm going to be adding that to my “must listen” list!

Thanks to Serial Box and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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