A review by axhiiles
Sherwood by Meagan Spooner


I made this my March read thinking it would be the perfect book for spring and warmer weather.

The story takes place in autumn and ends during the beginning of winter.

My only exposure to the story of Robin Hood was the Disney version with the foxes, bears, lions, and the stoned af Rooster bard a loooooong time ago, so I didn't really have any expectations going into it. Nonetheless, it was a 4.5 in my book.

The highlights of my thoughts while reading:

Robin's dead but I still ship them so hard

Idk if it's just because I'm gay, but was Robin written to be hot-boy-coded bc I'm feeling it

Yknow when you're on a backroad doing 60 in a 55 and you've got that one asshole in the jacked up truck with the side mirrors sticking out 3ft from the truck itself riding your bumper despite you going 5 over the speed limit? Gisborne is that asshole