A review by raven168
Dragon Claimed by Donna Grant


When I first started this novella, I was loving it. There was just so much of Gemma that reminded me of myself and I thoroughly enjoy when I come across characters like that. But eventually that started to wane. Mostly because these two were just way too damn polite to each other! Oh my gawd. There's being nice, and then there is overkill. This killed me. Plus I'm not sure how much I buy the extreme change that Gemma went thru so fast.

Gemma was a pretty believable character for most of the book. When she was child she suffered a horrible trauma that has shaped how she lives her life and interacts with people. She prefers to be alone and leave her house as little as possible, and she staves off loneliness by always have a dog with her. Unfortunately her most recent companion had passed and she's feeling the sadness more acutely. But that all changes when she backs into one of the hottest guys she's ever seen with her car.

Cináed was going thru stacks of old articles for Ryder when he came across a certain one that completely captured his attention. Not so much the article, but the picture of the young girl with it. The look in her eyes has him desperate to find out more about her. And after some more searching, it turns out that she's right there in town. Coincidence?

Cináed didn't actually intend to talk to Gemma that first day he found her, but her running into him with her car gave him the perfect opportunity and excuse to see her again. When he first tells her he knows of her past and has gone looking for answers for her, she is understandably angry. But Cináed makes her feel safe, which is a feeling she hasn't had in such a long time, that she decides that she will try and finally trust someone. And hope he doesn't stab her in the back like others have done. Together they work to piece together what happened to her family and her history. During which time they quickly fall for the other, of course.

What we learn of Gemma's past and her ancestors is definitely interesting, and that knowledge gives Gemma the strength to stand up for herself a lot more than she has ever done before. It really did not come as much of a shock when we find out who was behind everything either. They are insane after all.

I'm curious what part she will play in the future and am obviously looking forward to the next book.