A review by beththebookdragon
El joven Lovecraft #1 by José Oliver, Bartolo Torres


Although my Spanish is limited, I thoroughly enjoyed this wicked little set of comics. The basic premise--the daily life of HP Lovecraft as a morbid-minded pubescent boy living in some odd amalgam of his own time and the present day--is both clever and amusing. The art is appropriately creepy while maintaining lightheartedness appropriate to the silly plotlines.

Lovecraft--usually called "Howie"--has a hilariously morbid imagination superseded only by the actual (or are they?) supernatural creatures and events occurring around him. I'm particularly fond of Glenn, the ghoul he meets, and the irrepressible Siouxie (who *must* be an homage to "Susie" of Calvin & Hobbes fame).

A great read, even if, like me, you need to plug numerous phrases and sentences into Google Translate or use a dictionary to supplement limited knowledge of Spanish. I look forward to following the ongoing comic on the Web at: http://eljovenlovecraft.blogspot.com/