A review by krisrid
Rebellion by James McGee


I liked the first few Hawkwood books, but this one left me cold, and I did not finish it.

I think the whole Hawkwood getting shipwrecked on his way to the secret mission in France was what did me in. It took multiple chapters to tell us what - as far as I'm concerned, could have been communicated in a few sentences, a paragraph at most. There was a storm on the ship ride to France, Hawkwood ends up alone and friendless in France, and has to navigate French forces to get where he needs to be without getting killed. There, you're welcome.

Instead, I had to wade through pages and pages of the description of the ship voyage that turned into a wreck [totally didn't need, or care about all the detail about either] and then schlepping with Hawkwood and one of the sailors from his ship trying to not get shot by the French soldiers who find them after they make it to land.

I'm sure the secret mission Hawkwood was in France to do would have been very exciting, had I been able to continue slogging through the flotsam and jetsam details about what happened first, but unfortunately, I wasn't, and I gave up on this before any of that happened.

Fortunately, this was a library book, so it goes back and no harm, no foul, no great loss for me.