A review by lolasreviews
Flutter by Amanda Hocking


Somehow this book didn't really work for me. I did enjoy the first 2 books, but this book had too many faults I think. It already started with the beginning: too much drama and then suddenly it went all too easy and quick. The pace kept switching between too fast and too slow.

Also there where a few plot twists that didn't really work out for me. I don't want to spoil anything, but I expected more of this book.

And Alice is finally a vampire, but instead of getting to see see how she deals with it, we just get some flashbacks and well she doens't really is that different. She is just the same whiny and dramatic Alice and I still got annoyed with her. And Alice isn't the only character I was annoyed with in this book a few other characters also displayed some annyoing behavior and even acted a bit irrational and out of character I think.

Where the other book kept my interest, this book mainly just annoyed me. The story and the characters just weren't that good or believeable as in the other books. I will still read book 4 as I already bought it and want to see what happens.

To conclude: not as good as the first two books. It mostly irritated me and the characters and story just weren't that interesting.