A review by anzuk
Geist by Philippa Ballantine


Let me tell you the reasons why Geist wasn’t as epic as expected.

First off, the introduction to the world and its characters was bad. You got thrown in a riot without knowing where you are, who you are, who the hell if fighting you, or who the hell you’re fighting against. There was also a lack of an index. It’s so funny how some authors that write Paranormal books (especially Paranormal Romances) tend to hit us with these fancy indexes of silly edited words, which are pretty obvious in their meaning. And yet a book of Geist’s might gets nothing of the sort.

Geist is in badly need of an index, people. Please fix this issue.

Another problem was with the information, or better put, overflow of information. Sometimes when I read my mind gets idle, and I might not pay attention to certain things. Fuck it, this happens to me a lot, especially since I tend to read at the end of the day in bed, before I sleep. Why do i do this? Because I read to relax. Geist felt like doing homework. I had to focus 100% with it in order not to miss anything. Now don’t get me wrong, I love being totally sucked into books, but my problem is with being forced to do this since it didn’t come naturally. Geist has 290 pages, and the story is rather complex. This resulted in an overflow of information that gave me headaches at times.

Since the story is rather somber, I felt like the romance between Sorcha and Raed was not matching. I would have the erotic scenes replaced with some more intimate emotional ones. I also felt like Sorcha’s toughness was a bit too forced. But this could be me.

Apart from this, I loved Geist’s universe, story and characters, and I would recommend it if you’re in the mood for some fast-paced Fatasy reading.

3.5 stars

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