A review by thebookmeg
A Man's World by Grace Newman

Did not finish book. Stopped at 55%.
I really wanted to like this, it started out so strong and I really thought it was going to be a 5 star read. I think it might have needed some more time to bake. I love the concept, an all-female F1 team is a dream and the author has clearly watched at least some F1 - although she takes some creative liberties, which is totally fine. 

I decided to DNF ultimately because the farther I got into the book the less I liked it. The spice feels forced, and is really weirdly timed in the context of their love story. There were also a lot of non-spicy scenes where I found myself getting pulled out of the story instead of pulled in. If it was shorter I might have finished it anyways, but she's a long one and it lost me.