A review by adanna_h
Securing Jane by Susan Stoker


Delivering mail to Storm is the bright spot in Jane’s day. Workaholic Storm doesn’t notice Jane until one day he does. He recognizes the same longing for companionship in her that he feels. He plans to get to know Jane slowly, but fate has other plans.

Often the stories in novellas feel rushed or incomplete, and the characters aren’t well defined, but not this one. Securing Jane maintains a tightly focused plot while delving into Storm and Jane — their backstories and motivations. The storyline moves at a fast but reasonable pace, and the reader develops a very good sense of who Jane and Storm are. This novella delivers a complete story with well-developed characters.

I enjoyed this mature romance between two great characters. I liked the way Storm appreciates Jane for who she is and builds up her self image. I loved how protective he is of her. Jane knows what she wants and goes after it when the opportunity presents itself.

Securing Jane was a good preview of the series for those like me who are new to it. I definitely recommend this quick read with the right mix of suspense and romance.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an early copy of this book. This review reflects my unbiased, honest opinion.