A review by book_vorfreude
One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London


4 ⭐️

TW: bullying, fat shaming, mentions of suicide, sex, cheating

This was such a great quick romance to read, and such an amazing commentary on how society views and treats people who are considered plus sized. I have never seen the bachelor I don't think we have an equivalent here in Portugal but I loved everything about the concept of this book and how it was executed. The tv show format with news clips and other bits where a really fun way to read this book.

Bea was an amazing character with so much growth, personal and otherwise. There were a few chapters that were slower but overall it was definitely not a slow book. We follow Bea as she meets these men and confront their perspectives of her, and shows the world that your body type definitely doesn't define if you are or not worthy of love. We are all worthy we are all beautiful and unique. And a good ending, I always love a good ending.

Direct quote from another review: "I appreciate that the story became more than just reality show shenanigans and also tapped into the protagonist’s own emotional journey with self-love and acceptance. The addition of blog posts, magazine articles, tweets, etc. really reflected our culture and how we treat (and often politicize) plus size people, almost to a painfully accurate degree."
