A review by hehkhatea
The Hollow Ones by Guillermo del Toro, Chuck Hogan


Ooooooohhh my god this book was so good. I totally was expecting something to be really dark and intense (which it did have) but there was so much levity and comedy in this book as well that really lent itself to making something very riveting and thoroughly entertaining. I listened to this book via Libro and to see that it was narrated by the same person that did Well Met really made my day. She did a wonderful job.

That being said, reading some of the reviews for this book, I totally understand why some people are put off by some of the content of this book. It’s totally reasonable to be off-put by white men writing segments that take place in 1960s American South and having a white man lynched (not that it is described). Those are completely valid criticisms. Same for the people that say this book is a ripoff of another story. I just happen to not know of the story these people are referring to, so as far as I know this book has a mostly original concept and it was something that I enjoyed.