A review by perachdavida
Flat-Out Sexy, by Erin McCarthy


Let me first say that overall this was a very sweet and hot book, and I really enjoyed it. Tamara and Elec are an adorable couple and while I’m generally not a fan of cinnamon roll heroes, I felt like there was enough heat to Elec to make up for it. Also, can I point out how amazing the name Elec is?

There were two things that really bothered me. First, the crazy evil stalking woman making false accusations against the upstanding hero trope is really problematic in 2020. I’m not saying this never ever happens, but it’s certainly not common the way novels would have you believe. The character of Crystal could have been handled with a lot more realistic nuance.
Second, I adored this book up until the part where Tamara was stuck home for weeks with her sick kids who had chicken pox, “ruing the day she had passed on the varicella vaccine for her kids.” At that point I was pissed that Elec showed up at her house to pamper her. Just suffer the consequences of your terrible medical decision, honey!!

Overall, this was a lovely story. I flew through it in 2 days so that says something about the readability.